21 Aug 2020

National Poetry Day Short Poem Competition

From Afternoons, 1:27 pm on 21 August 2020

The editor of the 2020 Poetry New Zealand Yearbook, Jo Emeney joins Jesse to help announce our annual competition to mark National Poetry Day.

You have until 2pm to write a poem no longer than 6 lines, incorporating 6 words Jesse will read out live on air. Entries to be sent via email to jesse@rnz.co.nz

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Photo: RNZ/Pablo


Winning Poem: ​How to fish - Kate Waterhouse

everything will be still

take a stick and mark the sand where the sea stops

dig and dig where only your fingers can see

think of fat fritters, pied stilts, a train of godwits

if the tide is as high as the stick, think of flounder

this is what he said


2nd place: 'The Music Lesson' Sydney Manowitz

"Train your fourth finger to reach high"

My violin teacher said. 

But still I only wanted to play music - 

Not stick with this technique rubbish.

I was 5 then.

Now, if only I can remember, "Reach High"


3rd place: Joseph Jowitt

These knees still

stick, a bit.

A train of ants march a high tattoo across the ceiling

but all I hear is the sound of Doug

breathing softly.

I’d can this feeling if I could.