The kiwifruit season in Ōpōtiki: What it's like for workers

From Afternoons, 1:44 pm on 12 November 2020

Catarina de Peters Leitãoe is the author of a new essay about, among other things, the kiwifruit season in Ōpōtiki.

The essay Hard Labour in Paradise includes stories shared by Catarina's mother who's worked in a packing house. 

The essay is part of a new anthology of New Zealand writing called Ko Aotearoa Tātou: We are New Zealand edited by Michelle Elvy, Paula Morris and James Norcliffe, and published by Otago University Press. 

Jesse speaks to Catarina about her work.

Along 4754 State Highway 35, Bay of Plenty, Omaio

Along 4754 State Highway 35, Bay of Plenty, Omaio Photo: Catarina de Peters Leitãoe

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