20 Nov 2020

Nadia Lim - Live from the Auckland Food Show

From Afternoons, 3:07 pm on 20 November 2020

Celebrity chef, healthy eating advocate and co-founder of My Food Bag Nadia Lim joins us live today from The Auckland Food Show which is on until Sunday at the ASB Showgrounds. She'll also tell us about her first ever children's picture book about her chick Marvin. The book is called Marvellous Marvin, which is out on 7th December, with all her author profits going to HUHA (Helping You Help Animals) and Garden to Table. She'll also share her delicious recipe for Strawberry, pistachio & creamy feta toasts.

Strawberry, pistachio & creamy feta toasts

Strawberry, pistachio & creamy feta toasts Photo: Nadia Lim

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