24 Mar 2021

Solar tsunami risk in Aotearoa

From Afternoons, 1:30 pm on 24 March 2021

We've talked quite a lot about tsunami in the water recently, but they can also happen in space! A large solar tsunami could have a huge impact on lives here on our third rock from the sun, but we don't really understand when one might arrive. A new unit at the Otago Museum is working on better understanding solar weather.

The Museum's Science Engagement Coordinator Māori Toni Hoeta joins Jesse to discuss the power of solar weather and how we're trying to understand it. 

Sunspot with streamers of super-hot, electrically charged gas (plasma) arc from the surface of the Sun, revealing the structure of the solar magnetic field.

Sunspot with streamers of super-hot, electrically charged gas (plasma) arc from the surface of the Sun, revealing the structure of the solar magnetic field. Photo: Credit NASA Ann Ronan Picture Library