3 Jun 2022

Otorohanga mayor pleads for Phillips children to be returned

From Afternoons, 1:20 pm on 3 June 2022
Clockwise from top left, Thomas Phillips, Jayda Jin, Ember Phillips and  Maverick Callum-Phillips.

(clockwise from top left) Tom Phillips, Jayda Phillips, Ember Phillips and Maverick Callam-Phillips. Photo: Supplied / NZ Police

As winter sets in, the Mayor of Otorohanga is urging Thomas Phillips to bring his children home and hand himself in.

It has been six months since Phillips took his three young children back into the bush, after sparking a massive manhunt the first time they disappeared.

Otorohanga is where Phillips has a home before his disappearance.

The Mayor Max Baxter talks to Anna about their plea for Phillips to return.

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