7 Jul 2022

Moriori repatriation ceremony to be held at Te Papa

From Afternoons, 1:31 pm on 7 July 2022

In the largest ever return of ancestors, Te Papa will welcome 111 Moriori skeletal remains and two Māori ancestral remains from London's Natural History Museum.

The remains  include skulls, mandibles, other parts of the body and a small number of complete skeletons, which were taken from Rēkohu, Chatham Island  for collection, trade and research.

Tomorrow Te Papa Tongarewa will hold a hokomaurahiri, or repatriation ceremony to mark the return of these ancestors.

Te Herekiekie Herewini, Head of Repatriation at Te Papa talks to Jesse.

Maui Solomon, Hokotehi Moriori Trust Chair, covers some of the ancestral remains with a cloak of Moriori design at Natural History Museum London Repatriation Ceremony

Repatriation Ceremony 2022 Photo: The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London