14 Sep 2022

From actor to author, Sarah Winman on her latest book

From Afternoons, 3:10 pm on 14 September 2022

Writing  started as a way to relieve the boredom for actress Sarah Winman. She's best known as an actress for her role  in the British soap opera Holby City. But when the offers stopped coming, she took a writing course and ended up creating best selling novels. Her latest book, Still Life, is a firm favorite with book clubs around the world. It's about a group of East Enders who move to Florence Italy at the end of World War II. It's about joy and art,  unconventional families and acceptance. We'll talk to Sarah Winman as she embarks on a book tour in New Zealand.

Sarah Winman author of Still Life

Sarah Winman author of Still Life Photo: supplied

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