15 Nov 2022

Sheep milk could be the next big food export for NZ

From Afternoons, 1:25 pm on 15 November 2022

For thousands of years sheep milk has been a part of people's diets around the world, but for some reason it has never really taken off in New Zealand.

One company, Spring Sheep Milk Co wants to change that hopes to make sheep milk produced here as sought after as our cow milk is.

Starting in 2015 with just a single farm, the Taranaki based company is now the largest sheep milking operator in the Southern Hemisphere.

Spring Sheep Milk Co chief operating officer Thomas Macdonald talks to Jesse about the market potential for their milk!

Matt and Tracey Jones from Sheep Milk New Zealand began commercial milking in 2019.

Photo: RNZ / Nathan McKinnon

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