24 Nov 2022

Women taking on top truckers in the Truck Championships

From Afternoons, 1:20 pm on 24 November 2022

The skills of the country's top truckers will be put to the test over the next two days at the Trucking Industry Show in Christchurch.

From big rigs to cranes, the truck driving competitions are a major draw-card at the event.

The still very male dominated industry is working hard to become more diverse and attract new talent.

Of the 40 drivers competing in the Truck Driving Championships - six are women.

One of them is Emma Satherley - a logging truck driver from Southland who's competing for the first time. She talks to Jesse about being in a male dominated industry and her chances of beating out the blokes. 

Southland logging truck driver Emma Satherly

Emma Satherly with her big rig logging truck Photo: NZ Trucking Association