21 Feb 2023

Blocking the path of potential mass shooters

From Afternoons, 3:10 pm on 21 February 2023

Christchurch. Uvalde, Columbine Port Arthur.  A database  in St Paul Minnesota may hold the clues that can help us understand why mass shootings are happening at such an alarming rate. For more than 5 years, The Violence Project has been gathering data from perpetrators of mass shootings in prison, their  families,  childhood friends,  work colleagues and schoolteachers. They've read manifestos and social media posts of murderers, and  talked to people who planned a mass shooting and changed their minds. Dr James Densley is one of the co-founders of The Violence Project and says there are big and small steps that can be taken to block the path of a mass killer. 

Dr James Densley

Dr James Densley Photo: supplied

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