20 Mar 2023

The tale behind the 'Unruly Tourists" a Stuff documentary

From Afternoons, 1:35 pm on 20 March 2023

If you remember back to the summer of 2019, the story every New Zealander was talking about was a British family causing havoc around the North Island.

It all started when the tourists left a trail of litter at Auckland's Takapuna beach, and a video emerged of the family's young child threatening people who challenged them.

They continued their rampage around the North Island ripping off restaurants, trashed hotel rooms, and stole from a  petrol station.

Now Stuff is putting together a six part documentary series about the events titled 'Unruly', which also covers the production of an opera based on the story.

The first part it out today and producer Alison Mau talks to Jesse.

The Sun in the UK joins the pile-on.

The Sun in the UK joins the pile-on. Photo: screenshot

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