21 Mar 2023

Emma Warren looks at the reasons we dance

From Afternoons, 3:10 pm on 21 March 2023

Humans dance. It’s what we do. So many of our important ceremonies and rituals throughout history include dancing; courtly ballrooms, weddings, school discos. Our favorite dances and dance halls reflect the times and they reflect us,  from the Twist in the 60’s to the Macarena of the 90’s. There is a particular joy and connection that comes with moving to music alongside other people says music and culture writer Emma Warren. But she says, the opportunities to gather together and dance are diminishing with the closing of venues like nightclubs and dance halls. Her new book looks at the importance of dance as a political act, a way to express ourselves and as a source of solidarity.  It’s called "Dance Your Way Home: A Journey Through the Dancefloor."

Dance Your Way Home book cover

Dance Your Way Home book cover Photo: supplied

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