24 Apr 2023

Why mastery is better than being a master

From Afternoons, 3:10 pm on 24 April 2023

Everyone is good at something. Some people are even masters;  Michaelangelo mastered art,  Serena Williams tennis.  But New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik says we overrate masters and underrate mastery. Away from the spotlight, people are doing the hard work to get better at something. Gopnik sets out to understand what it takes to master  new skills by trying everything from baking to boxing. He explains why it takes more than a certain number of hours and practice to get there, and how humility and patience and  small steps can lead to big achievement. His new book  is called "The Real Work: On the Mystery of Mastery".

The Real Work On The Mystery of Mastery book cover

The Real Work On The Mystery of Mastery book cover Photo: supplied

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