29 May 2023

Expert feature: Antique furniture restorer

From Afternoons, 2:30 pm on 29 May 2023

Today's expert is preserving New Zealand history one piece of furniture at a time.

This afternoon we are going to talk about antique restoration with Dr William Cottrell.

He restores important colonial-made furniture, either for institutions, historical societies and the occasional private collection.

If you have any questions for him text 2101 or email jesse@rnz.co.nz.

Dr William Cottrell

Photo: Dr William Cottrell

NZ table (made in Auckland by Anton Seuffert, ca.1870) found in a Parisian flea market.

Photo: Te Papa

A chair Dr Cottrell found in Taranaki by English architect Edward Buckton Lamb ca 1828 and published in John Loudon's 1833 Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture.

A chair Dr Cottrell found in Taranaki by English architect Edward Buckton Lamb ca 1828 and published in John Loudon's 1833 Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture. Now in Te Papa Photo: Te Papa