13 Sep 2023

“LeMons” to be held at Hampton Downs – a non-serious motorsport event!

From Afternoons, 1:45 pm on 13 September 2023

You've heard of NASCAR and Le Mans, but how about NaZCAR and lemons?

NaZCAR is a haven of motorsporting events for amateur petrolheads.

It all started in 2016, when Dr Jacob Simonsen introduced the '24 Hours of Lemons' event, and it quickly became New Zealand's most popular endurance motorsport series.

This Friday they'll host the Day/Night Enduro race at Hampton Downs Motorsport Park.

Jacob - who was the self-appointed 'chief lemon squeezer' for NaZCAR and now goes by the title of 'professional moron' speaks to Jesse.

NaZCAR BadThurst 12 Hour Lemons event

NaZCAR BadThurst 12 Hour Lemons event Photo: https://www.nazcar.nz

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