11 Oct 2023

Mapping of Zealandia complete

From Afternoons, 1:45 pm on 11 October 2023

In parts of Aotearoa you can see rocks left over from when Zealandia and Gondwana separated around 100 to 60 million years ago.

Zealandia - Te Riu-a-Maui - is right underneath us, and was the last continent to be discovered. It's now the first to be mapped all the way out to its watery edges.

95 per cent of Zealandia is underwater.

In 2017, GNS scientists outlined the continent and have just finished filling in the blanks.

Dr Nick Mortimer is a geologist at the Dunedin GNS office and the lead author of a new study on North Zealandia. He speaks to Jesse.

Photo: GNS Science

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