19 Oct 2023

National youth poetry champions perform live

From Afternoons, 1:35 pm on 19 October 2023

Rehe Kōrero are the 2023 National Grand Slam Champions of WORD - The Front Line, Aotearoa's premier inter-high school spoken word poetry competition run by Action Education in collaboration with YouthLine. 

They are gearing up to represent New Zealand in the trans-tasman competition.

They're students from Ngā Puna o Waiōrea, and are Year 10 akonga Milan Moala and three Year 13 akonga - Piremina Ngapera, Koromiko Jacob-Williams and Billy McCarthy. They tell Jesse about their story and perform live.

They tell Jesse about their story and perform live. You can reach their GiveALittle here.

Ngā Puna o Waiōrea

Photo: supplied

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