14 Feb 2024

Bookmarks with Duncan Sarkies

From Afternoons, 2:30 pm on 14 February 2024

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Novelist, playwright, and screenwriter Duncan Sarkies is best known for his wild plot lines, eccentric and somewhat disturbing characters, and macabre sense of humour.

Feature films, Two Little Boys, and the hugely popular Scarfies, are cases in point ... and were co-written with his brother - director Robert Sarkies.

His latest work is a 24-part radio comedy series in the spirit of Monty Python and Blackadder.

Duncan also shares with Jesse what he watches, reads and listens to in his down time.

Novelist, playwright, and screenwriter - Duncan Sarkies.

Novelist, playwright, and screenwriter - Duncan Sarkies. Photo: Adam Browne

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