Tax cuts are coming, what will you do with yours?

From Afternoons, 1:35 pm on 31 July 2024

From today, new tax thresholds apply, which will reduce most people's income tax bills. Coinciding with the cuts is an independent campaign with a simple question: Will you give your tax cut to Gaza?

Just $20 a month will provide water for 28 people struggling to survive in the devastated Gaza strip. All proceeds will go to ReliefAid. 

Since November 2023, ReliefAid has been delivering life-saving aid to families in Gaza. Today, they're asking for New Zealanders to help. Campaign organiser Hayden Eastmond-Mein and ReliefAid founder and director Mike Seawright talk to Jesse.

ReliefAid Truck in Gaza

Photo: ReliefAid