4 Feb 2025

Why kids check-out of learning and how to prevent it

From Afternoons, 3:10 pm on 4 February 2025

How well kids do in school depends largely on how they feel about school. 

All over the world, by the time they hit intermediate, many students just don’t see the point of school anymore. In New Zealand, that’s clear from rising truancy levels and declining test scores.

Dr Rebecca Winthrop is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute and Jenny Anderson is a journalist. Together they’ve spent years looking into the reasons why so many students check out of learning. 

Their new book offers a roadmap to help kids get back to not just academic success, but emotional health too. 

It’s called 'The Disengaged Teen: Helping Kids Learn Better, Feel Better, and Live Better'.

Co-author Jenny Anderson speaks to Jesse.

Co-author Jenny Anderson.

Co-author Jenny Anderson. Photo:

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