23 Apr 2010

Shelley Hirini

From Afternoons, 2:10 pm on 23 April 2010

May 2nd 1940. The British troop ship Aquitania left the Pipitea wharf in Wellington with most of the 28th Maori Battalion on board. Among the men who left that day was a composer who would write one of New Zealand's first hit pop song. Blue Smoke is a song about separation and hope. And the blue smoke that trailed from the ship's funnel as he steamed off to War. It was written by Ru Karaitiana (Cry Tee Ahna), a member of the Maori battalion. Now the song will be re-released on ANZAC day by Shelley Hirini. You may remember Shelley from the Wellington Band Pearl. The song begins by paying homage to the original recording

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