24 Aug 2012

The Panel with Dita de Boni and Ali Jones (Part 2)

From Afternoons, 4:35 pm on 24 August 2012

Payout: A man who lived in a camouflaged van on school grounds has been awarded ten thousand dollars in damages after he was moved on by police. Prince Harry: TMZ's naked Prince Harry photos have made their way 'round the world - but the royal family has moved to stop British media outlets from publishing them. The Runaways: Two so-called runaway millionaires who defrauded the Westpac Bank after a receiving a ten million dollar overdraft by mistake, have been sentenced in the Rotorua District Court. Ford Screen: An influential consumer magazine has lambasted Ford's touch-screen entertainment and navigation system, calling it distracting, clumsy and overly complex.

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