5 Aug 2013

The Panel with Duncan Webb and Steve McCabe (Part 2)

From Afternoons, 4:37 pm on 5 August 2013

Topics - Do you get annoyed when people feel completely free to consult their mobile phones during conversations? This snubbing using a phone is called phubbing, and now a Stop Phubbing campaign group has started in Australia and five other movements have followed suit in Europe. The business of handing out scholarships to boys and/or spending lots of money to make your rugby team better. The St Kent's first XV in Auckland are world champions, top of the 1A competition and have won something like 45 out of 46 games on the trot. The notion of privacy has been the main national discussion point until the fonterra news broke. In the last week we've been talking about the cameraman who recorded the John Key "Tea Tapes" having his phone records released, as well as the phone records of Andrea Vance the journalist who broke the GSCB story. Smokers have faced an array of legislation in the form of constant tax increases, plain packages and restrictions on where they can smoke. Now in Australia it has been recommended smokers are given a license to smoke.

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