21 Oct 2013

The Panel with Julia Hartley Moore and David Farrar (Part 2)

From Afternoons, 4:36 pm on 21 October 2013

Topics - In Britain, a child care worker is arguing that an employer has a duty to "reasonably accommodate" the beliefs of a Christian employee. The NZ First leader Winston Peters wants to establish a new state-owned KiwiSaver fund. Speaking at the NZ First conference, Mr Peters said KiwiSaver providers have extracted excessive fees from savers. The convicted Kiwi cocaine smuggler Sharon Armstrong is back in New Zealand after spending two-and-a-half years in an Argentinian prison. The executor of Brendan Horan's mother's will has given up trying to retrieve the money that was allegedly misappropriated by Mr Horan, and instead he will receive a share of the estate.