30 Apr 2014

The Panel with Dita de Boni and David Farrar (Part 1)

From Afternoons, 4:07 pm on 30 April 2014

Topics - more thoughts today on Labour's monetary upgrade, a policy which has been seriously and widely discussed since it was announced yeterday morning. A budgeting service says people who don't have mortgages would be subsidising the economy for home owners under Labour's proposed new monetary policy. Wellington's tourism and economic development campaign, "Absolutely Positively Wellington", has dropped the controversial plus symbol from its logo - and that has added $15,000 to its cost. Is it time we reviewed the way firearms are registered in New Zealand? A 58-year-old unemployed man, Peter James Edwards, has pleaded guilty in the Waitakere District Court to supplying firearms to unlicensed individuals, supplying a pistol and supplying methamphetamine.

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