1 May 2014

The Panel with Gary McCormick and Tainui Stephens (Part 2)

From Afternoons, 4:32 pm on 1 May 2014

Topics - At a big conference in America called Thrive, organised by Adriana Huffington of the Huffington Post, highly successful people were asked how much sleep they get. Their answers varied. Some of them can't do without 8 and even seven-and-a-half makes their well-being and professional performance a bit variable; others do fine on five or six. Tony Sewell, head of Ngai Tahu property, was recently quoted comparing California to here. A piece of treated 100mm by 50mm timber cost one Kiwi dollar there compared with $4 here. Wallboard like GIB there is thicker and better and cost one-third. Concrete, plumbing piping and fittings all cost far less. "We didn't find a single product over there that had a comparable price in New Zealand. We have to ask ourselves why we pay a premium."

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