Arts on Sunday for Sunday 24 May 2009
Arts on Sunday for 24 May 2009
12:40 STARS
One our most original composers, Warwick Blair offers up 24 hours of sky and music, an experience, he says, like no other.
12.50 Nga Manu-rere
Whale Rider star Keisha Castle Hughes (below left) takes on her first stage role. Nga Manu-rere premieres at TAPAC performing arts centre on the 3rd of June. You'll hear from Keisha and from writer/actor Renae Maihi (below right).
1:00 At the Movies with Simon Morris
Simon Morris investigates Angels and Demons, goes In Search of Beethoven, and talks to the director of critically-acclaimed French film I've Loved You So Long, Philippe Claudel.
1:30 Choreographer and dancer Sarah Foster
Sarah Foster (below) on founding a dance company, working with our dance greats, astronomy and playing a zombie in her first movie role.
Photograph by Andrew Foster
1:40 Rauru: Tene Waitere, Maori Carving, Colonial History
The masterful carving of Tene Waitere is revisited 70 years after this ingenious and entrepreneurial carver's death in a book by Nicholas Thomas (pictured right) and photographer Mark Adams. Rauru: Tene Waitere, Maori Carving, Colonial History is published by Otago University Press.
1:50 Tokyo String Quartet
The Tokyo String Quartet invites New Zealand to be part of its 40th birthday celebrations. The Tokyo Quartet are regarded as one of the supreme chamber ensembles of the world. Photograph by Henry Fair.
2:00 The Laugh Track
Still one of our most successful playwrights three decades after Glide Time and Middle Age Spread, Roger Hall (right), on who makes him laugh.
2:25 The Scene
Stage and screen actor Peter Elliot's directorial debut is a play that takes the mickey out of pop culture. The Scene opens at the Herald Theatre in Auckland on the 29th of May.
2:30 Chapter and Verse
New poetry from Chris Price and Singularity - from Montana New Zealand Book Award winning writer Charlotte Grimshaw. Is it a series of interlocked stories - or a fractured novel?
2:55 Made in New Zealand
Lyne Pringle's review of the most recent Made in New Zealand dance tour from the Footnote Dance Company.
Made in New Zealand
3:00 Waiting for Godot
A BBC report on two contrasting big-name productions of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot on London's West End and on Broadway.
3:10The Sunday Drama
The Orderly intertwines the telling of a medieval poem about the battle of Maldon (991AD Saxons versus the Vikings) with the trials and tribulations of John; a hospital orderly, misfit, and a dead keen re-enactor of medieval battles. By Michael Downey