Arts on Sunday for Sunday 14 March 2010
12:40 Dance Troupe Supreme
TV star Jaquie Brown leaves the small screen to experience life on the stage in Thomas Sainsbury's play, Dance Troupe Supreme.
12:50 Furious Archivists
Why historians and archivists are furious at government plans to merge Archives New Zealand and the National Library back into the the Department of Internal Affairs.
1:00 At the Movies with Simon Morris
1:30 Nationalistic Movies
Film makers Geoff Murphy and Gaylene Preston on creating distinctly nationalistic movies.
1:40 Land Wars Exhibition
The Taranaki land wars are remembered in New Plymouth 150 years on with the most ambitious exhibition yet at Puke Ariki.
1:50 Musical Theatre
Celebrating 50 years of musical theatre in New Zealand.
2:00 The Laugh Track: Comedienne Deb Filler
On Jewish humour and how her family provides her with a wealth of material. Her new show An Evening with Deb Filler is on at the Pumphouse Theatre in Auckland this week.
2:20 Musical Installation
Lucy tunes in to Jane Cardiff's musical installation at Wellington's City Gallery.
2:30 Chapter and Verse
Laurie Chittenden Executive Editor of William Morrow/ HarperCollins in the US, and Derek Johns who's a literary agent and Director of AP Watt UK talking about publishing in the 21st century.
2:50 Theatre preview: That Face
A gritty drama that starts off Silo Theatre's 2010 season.
3:00 Radio Drama -A double-billing
A story of a young New Zealand woman journeys with her friend, a sick Australian swami, back to his family on a huge outback cattle station. And we return to the office of The Sunday Chronical, where the editor of the newspaper's Value Magazine consumer supplement deals with his staff, his hen-pecked managing editor, a range of rip-off artists and the gullible consumers who allow themselves to be ripped off.