Arts on Sunday for Sunday 29 July 2012
12:43 Orchestra funding review
There's a shake up coming for the country's orchestras. Tight funding and falling audiences has led the Ministry for Culture and Heritage to put out a discussion document with four options for change for orchestral music. We focus on two of the five orchestras included in the review, Dunedin's Southern Sinfonia and the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra. Read the review (pdf)
12:50 Tatarakihi: the Children of Parihaka
Paora Joseph, the director of a documentary about Parihaka… this time a group of children discover what happened to Maori captured and moved around the country by British soldiers. Tatarakihi: the Children of Parihaka is screening as part of the Film Festival.
1:10 At the Movies
The Dark Knight rises, and the film awards fall.
1:31 Dance Lucy Green
Star of stage and, thanks to The Secret Lives of Dancers, screen too… dancer Lucy Green takes on her first lead role as Cinderella. The reality for her now is a punishing rehearsal schedule and practicing to wear a tutu studded with 90,000 crystals.
Lucy Green as Cinderella and Kohei Iwamoto as The Prince. Photo by Ross Brown.
1:41 Peripheril Relations
An exhibition here in New Zealand of rarely seen work and ephemera of the influential 20th century artist Marcel Duchamp, most famous perhaps for his inverted urinal called The Fountain. The Adam Art Gallery show also features work by New Zealand artists influenced by Duchamp's 'ready made' approach to art.
Gallery: Duchamp and New Zealand Art 1960-2011
Michael Parekowhai, My Sister, My Self 2006, fibreglass, mild steel, wood, automotive paint, 2700 x 1500 x 100, Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery, 2008/016.
1:51 Dunedin's Really Authentic Gilbert and Sullivan
After 11 years and 14 operas, Dunedin's Really Authentic Gilbert and Sullivan season comes to an end.
2:05 The Laugh Track
Weta Workshop's weapons specialist, Greg Broadmore (right), who's just back from Comic Con in San Diego.
2:26 Waka
Ann Hunt reviews Waka, a work dance company Black Grace is performing for the first time in New Zealand after taking it overseas.
Black Grace - Waka.
2:31 The Road That Wasn't There
This week some of our local Kiwi talent will be making it onto the international stage as part of The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Writer and actor Ralph McCubbin Howell has written a twisted children's fairy tale set in a Central Otago Gold mining town. The Road That Wasn't There brings to life 53 characters, a paper town and one of Wellington's iconic figures Ben Hana, otherwise known as Blanket Man, a member of Wellington's homeless community who passed away last year. Sonia Sly speaks to Ralph and Director Hannah Smith to find out more.
2:42 A tribute to author extraordinaire Margaret Mahy, in her own words
We play an extract from an interview Margaret Mahy gave us in 2005 about writing New Zealand stories for Kiwi kids.
Listen to more interviews, documentaries and forums featuring Margaret Mahy.
2:45 Chapter & Verse
The recipient of this year's Kathleen Grattan Poetry Award, Emma Neale, on her winning collection, The Truth Garden.
2:53 Floor Resistance
Walters Art Prize nominee Alicia Frankovich who blends visual arts and live performance in her show Floor Resistance.
3:05 The Drama Hour
A special event – a three-part global catastrophe/political thriller written and directed by John Dryden. It's called Pandemic.