Navigation for Arts on Sunday

Jane Wrightson12:43 Homegrown TV Drama

The big news has been the axing of a number of prime-time New Zealand TV series. So is this the end of TV drama, or just the end of that sort of TV drama? This week we speak to the CEO of New Zealand On Air, Jane Wrightson (right) and to the Listener's TV writer, Fiona Rae.

1:10 At The Movies with Simon Morris

1:31 The Film Awards

Simon swaps opinions with reviewers Dan Slevin from Nine to Noon and to the Listener's Helene Wong.

1:47 Composer, sound designer and time-lapse photographer Tim Prebble

Tim Prebble has spent the last two months holed up in Little Huia in Auckland's Waitakere Ranges Regional Park. He's the artist in residence at Barr Cottage, creating works from thousands of photos of the beach and hours of field recordings of native birds. Tim tells the arts on Sunday's Justin Gregory that life on a lonely beach couldn't help but have an impact on his work.

Time and Tide by permission of Tim Prebble.

Richard M Carrington2:05 The Laugh Track

One of the grownups in the world of comedy – entertainer manager Richard Carrington (right). His company is called Notorious.

2:26 Print maker Barry Cleavin

Barry Cleavin's sense of irony has been lost on some over the last five decades, but appreciated by many more. Melinda Johnston joins him in a conversation about his life's work, having just published a comprehensive book about him – Lateral Inversions, The Prints of Barry Cleavin (Canterbury University Press).

Gallery: The Prints of Barry Cleavin

Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time, 1991. © Barry Cleavin.

2:38 Give Us This Day: a memoir of family and exile

A memoir of a family of Polish migrants who came to New Zealand in 1944 scoops a major literary prize for Helena Wiśniewska Brow winner of the 2013 Adam Foundation Prize in Creative Writing.Helena Wisniewska Brow
Adam Prize winner Helena Wiśniewska Brow (centre) with her family: (L-R) Jeremy Brow, Stefan Wiśniewski, Lucy, James and Anna Brow and Olga Wiśniewska.

2:48 Life & Customs

Cantabrian Bernadette Hall publishes her latest poetry collection, Life & Customs (VUP).

Bernie Hall

2:53 Theatrical producer Melanie Hamilton

What does it take to get a show up on stage? Freelance theatrical producer Melanie Hamilton has been in the business for a long time now. Her latest project is Ross McCormack's new dance work Age, commissioned for the New Zealand Arts Festival in March.

3:05 The Drama Hour

More Skin Writing and the complicated world of the annual Christmas panto, Exit Stage Left.