All episodes
Sunday, 18 May 2008
- 12:40 Copyright, artists resale rights, Amendment Bill
- 1:10 At The Movies
- 1:35 Isaac Marsh
- 1:45 NZ Book Awards
- 2:25 Free Theatre
- 2:30 Paul Cleave
- 2:42 Poet Amy Brown
- 2:50 Poetry and Painting
Sunday, 11 May 2008
- 12:40 Lara Macgregor
- 12:50 Close Encounters
- 1:10 At the Movies
- 1:40 Auckland Art Gallery
- 1:45 Emily Siddell
- 1:55 La Boheme Review
- 2:40 Chris Orsman
- 2:45 Charlotte Randall
- 2:50 The Material Mansfield
Sunday, 4 May 2008
- 12:36 Genevieve Packer and Caroline McQuarrie Interview
- 12:48 Steph Walker Interview
- 1:10 At The Movies
- 1:35 Strike Interview
- 1:48 Dance Forum
- 2:26 Art Curators
- 2:37 Tessa Duder Interview
- 2:48 Micheal Palmer
- 2:53 Footnote Review
Sunday, 27 April 2008
- 12:41 Army Artist,Matt Gauldie
- 12:46 Walters Prize
- 1:10 At The Movies
- 1:34 Erupt,The Taupo Arts Festival
- 1:41 Toi Poneke arts centre
- 1:52 Mirror Me
- 2:34 Writers' Block - The Magpies
- 2:43 Writers' Block Swings and Roundabouts
- 2:52 Reuben Paterson
Sunday, 20 April 2008
- 12:40 Marv Wolfman
- 12:50 La Boheme
- 1:35 Canterbury University Review
- 1:45 Haiku
- 1:55 Mahinarangi Tocker Tribute
- 2:30 The Female of the Species
- 2:35 Damian Skinner
- 2:50 Not About Heroes
- 3:05 International Comedy Festival Review