From Asian Report 3 December 2013
Lynda on the Learn About Other Faiths Tour to spiritual centres around Wellington region with Joan Buchannan, Project Manager of the Spirit of Rangitahi Charitable Trust, to ask the big and little questions of God, Allah, Buddha and Ganesha.
Our guides at the Mosque, 3 generations (left to right) Xena Adam, Mrs Khan and Leila Adam
Lunch at the eating hall in the Kilbirnie Mosque, Wellington
Arabic script in the Qur'an
Rabbi explains the Ark containing the Torah scrolls, Jewish Synagogue, Wellington
Xena Adam next to an image of the Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca
Rabbi Isaac Mizrahi and his family, Jewish Synagogue, Wellington
Explaining Judaism, Rabbi Isaac Mizrahi at the Jewish Synagogue, Wellington (1)
Torah, scrolls containing the ancient teachings of Moses
A Junior Monk at the Cambodian Buddhist Temple, Island Bay
Listening to Michael Nyein at the Cambodian Buddhist Temple
Monks are gifted their food by the devoted community in return for their teachings
Our guide Michael Nyein, Burmese Buddhist Community Leader
Damayanti Bava at the Hindu Temple
Damayanti Bava explains food offerings to guests
Performing Aarti (ritual offerings of milk, flowers and nuts)
Poonam Gupta gives us offerings as part of Puja (worship) at the Hindu Temple
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