New Zealand Model United Nations Conference
United Nations Youth serves as the youth arm of the United Nations Association of New Zealand, which is a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations and has consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It’s only been in existence since 1999 here, but already has a very healthy membership base and attracts some of the sharpest young minds in the country. UN Youth NZ promotes projects like the Pacific Programme, where 13 young Kiwis spent time with the NZ High Commission in Vanuatu to learn about this country’s development.
Lynda Chanwai-Earle is at Victoria University, Wellington on the look-out for Elizabeth (Lizzie) Chan, former President of UN Youth NZ, she’s now a Research Assistant for Supreme Court Judges and just happens to be chairing the next session at the Model UN Conference on the situation in Afghanistan.
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