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12:20 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
7:35 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
12:07 PM.Consumer confidence is the lowest in a year. Audio
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Read more Audio
7:36 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Read more Audio
6:53 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
6:20 AM.A brief update from the business sector. Audio
12:20 PM.The economy comes through lockdowns in better than expected shape. Audio
6:22 AM.A brief update from the business sector. Audio
12:20 PM.The Government's helping out Air New Zealand. Audio
8:30 AM.It may be December, but the weather has things other than sunshine on their mind for most of us over the next day or so. A hard rain's a-gonna fall across much of the country, with significant rain… Read more Audio
6:25 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
12:20 PM.Property prices are ending 2021 on a high. Audio
6:54 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report with Nicholas Pointon. Read more Audio