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Checkpoint for Tuesday 22 August 2017
Classroom changes help reduce quake-related issues, study finds
6:22 PM.Quake-related behavioural issues dropped by nearly a third in some Christchurch schools after small changes were made, such as removing hanging items and changing break times. Audio
Health 'funding is not keeping up with demand' - Labour
6:11 PM.Labour's health spokesman David Clark joins Checkpoint live to discuss district health board's projected deficits for the 2017/18 year. Audio
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff may go back on rate rise election pledge
6:08 PM.The headline election pledge from Auckland's mayor Phil Goff has turned into a "preference" with his promised cap on rate rises now dependent on the generosity of the government. Video, Audio
Beyond the Beehive: Life in Thames
5:54 PM.Max Towle heads to Thames, where he talks to young people about what life is like growing up in the town, and what jobs and opportunities will keep them there. Video, Audio
Inmate details violent prison rape ordeal
5:50 PM.A prisoner has told a closed courtroom how his cellmate, William Katipa, used a towel to cover the window on their cellroom door and repeatedly raped him. Court reporter Edward Gay joins Checkpoint. Audio
Southshore at risk: 'We would basically be underwater'
5:43 PM.Christchurch suburb Southshore is being left at the mercy of the Pacific Ocean by the city council, some residents say. Read more Video, Audio
Evening Business for 22 August 2017
5:35 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
SKY losing 90 subscribers every day
5:28 PM.Nearly 34,000 people cancelled their subscriptions in the past year, and SKY today posted a 21 percent drop in net profit. Video, Audio
Total eclipse covers United States
5:23 PM.The first total eclipse in almost a century to sweep across the US inspired Americans as they marvelled in the wonder of the cosmos' rarest phenomena - and now the most photographed eclipse in… Read more Video, Audio
DHBs forecasting budget blowouts
5:15 PM.District health boards throughout the country are predicting massive deficits for the year ahead. The Ministry won't disclose the total amount, but Checkpoint understands it's much higher than the… Read more Video, Audio
Canterbury DHB faces cutting services to meet MoH demands
5:11 PM.Doctors are asking the Ministry of Health to drop its demand that Canterbury DHB begins reducing its $50 million deficit immediately, saying it can't do so without slashing services. Audio
Labour leader under pressure over tax plans
5:08 PM.Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says the party retains the right to introduce a capital gains tax in its first term, and will not rule out such a tax applying to farms or businesses. Video, Audio
Checkpoint with John Campbell, Tuesday 22 August, 2017
5:00 PM.Watch Tuesday's full programme here. Video