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Checkpoint for Thursday 8 June 2023
Donaldson's Dairy doppelgangers needed for Hairy Maclary's 40th
5:53 PM.Penguin Random House New Zealand is on the hunt for real-life lookalikes for the canine chums in Lynley Dodd's iconic Hairy Maclary series to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first book. Read more Video, Audio
First supermarket-style foodbank in South Island opens in Chch
5:50 PM.The Christchurch City Mission is opening the South Island's first supermarket style self-serve foodbank.
It's part of an $11 million redevelopment.
The revamp comes as we head into the coldest… Read more Audio
NZers in Australia looking forward to citizenship status
5:47 PM.In less than a month, Kiwis will have an easier time becoming citizens across the ditch.
From July, those who have been living there for more than four years can apply for citizenship.
Tom Taylor… Read more Audio
Evening business for 8 June 2023
5:38 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. [embed] Video, Audio
Queenstown council-owned cabins empty, despite rental crisis
5:34 PM.More than 30 cabins owned the Queenstown council are sitting empty despite the region facing a rental housing crisis.
The revelation has angered local housing advocates who say people are living in… Read more Video, Audio
'It starts getting put into ticket prices': Air NZ signals it will pass on increased airport charges
5:28 PM.A proposed jump in Airport fees could make flying unaffordable for a significant number travellers according to Air NZ boss, Greg Foran.
Auckland Airport will start rolling out the graduated… Read more Audio
Women's Football World Cup: All players to be paid directly by FIFA
5:24 PM.For the first time every player at the Women's Football World Cup will be paid directly by the sport's governing body FIFA.
Players will leave the month-long tournament, which kicks off in Auckland… Read more Audio
Labour under pressure with Michael Wood, Jan Tinetti scandals
5:13 PM.Today further allegations against Michael Wood over comments he made to a journalist about his Auckland Airport shares.
It's also emerged his shareholding was raised three times with Jacinda Ardern's… Read more Video, Audio
Mayor offers compromise with councillors on airport shares sale
5:07 PM.The Auckland Mayor's been forced to make an 11th hour peace offering after facing stiff resistance to his plan to sell the council's stake in Auckland Airport.
The council has been locked in debate… Read more Audio