Uninsured property owners in Christchurch's redzone say a landmark court ruling could mean the Government might finally pay them for their homes.
In 2011, the government offered to buy properties from homeowners badly affected by the earthquakes, but only those which were insured.
However, today the Court of Appeal found that decision was unlawful and discriminatory.
A spokesperson for the residents, David Miller, said it has been a hard fight.
He hoped the homeowners could now be paid out in full as soon as possible, and move on with their lives.
"It's really, really very difficult for the people I know who were left without money. They couldn't move and they had to stay where they were. It's been a long, hard battle, something that I'd never want for them to go through again or anybody in the country. We just cannot have this. This is not our country, New Zealand. Not for us. We don't want this."
The minister responsible for Christchurch's regeneration, Nicky Wagner, said she is seeking legal advice.