16 Apr 2020

Covid-19 Alert Level 3 a 'recovery room' - Jacinda Ardern

From Checkpoint, 5:09 pm on 16 April 2020

It will be a return to early childhood centres and school, but only for some. Bars, restaurants and cafes will remain closed along with gyms, museums and movie theatres.

Takeaways and drive-thrus will open, and you need to stay in your bubble but perhaps with some limited contact with other close family members.

The Prime Minister has given us a first glimpse of what life might be like in Alert Level Three or what she described as a 'recovery room'.

Cabinet Ministers will decide on Monday whether to drop from Covid-19 Alert Level Four down to Level Three from next Thursday but be warned, things won't be back to normal for some time yet. 

RNZ deputy political editor Craig McCulloch has the details.