On Monday afternoon the government announced 11 infrastructure projects will be fast-tracked to stimulate the economy and provide jobs.
Environment Minister David Parker said the projects would be overseen by an expert environmental panel including relevant council and iwi representatives.
Consent for the projects would be approved in just 45 to 70 days and would provide around 1200 jobs.
The projects include a water storage facility in Kaikohe, roading upgrades, the Auckland Skypath between Westhaven and Akoranga, a Picton Ferry Dock and Terminal upgrade and a cycleway and walkway between Petone and Ngauranga in Wellington.
It comes as the Labour Party unveiled its full line-up of candidates heading into the election, including Dr Ayesha Verrall.
Dr Verrall was one of the go-to experts during the Covid-19 crisis, advising media, the public and ultimately the government on the response.
Now she looks set for Parliament. RNZ deputy political editor Craig McCulloch has the details.