Rodney the hardware store cat missing again
You know him as Rodney the abandoned I-T-M cat - well he's rapidly ripping though his nine lives cause he is M-I-A again. So just to get you up to speed with the Tabby-tales; earlier this year things got a bit feral after it was revealed a worker at the building supply store in Marton had dumped Rodney in the countryside because he'd allegedly became a bit of nusiance...after ten years as the store moggy. Customers kicked-up ....a search party was launched ...weeks passed and then the purrfect ending..Rodney was found wandering on a local farm. Last we heard Rodney was off to his foverever home in the town he grew up in. But as Beverley Dowling..from Rodney Rescue ..explains - that didnt work out. You know him as Rodney the abandoned I-T-M cat - well he's rapidly ripping though his nine lives cause he is M-I-A again