17 May 2021

Tokyo readies for Olympics, despite mounting challenges

From Checkpoint, 5:06 pm on 17 May 2021

With just two months to the Tokyo Olympics, are the Games really a go?

The host nation has ramped up its Covid-19 controls - expanding the current state of emergency from six areas including Tokyo to nine districts.

That will last at least until the end of the month. Japan has been struggling to get infection rates under control as the clock ticks down to the games.

With 45,000 new cases of the virus recorded in a week. Only about two percent of the population has been vaccinated.

There will be no international spectators. And a recent poll shows up to 80 percent of locals do not want the Games to go ahead in July.

But the International Olympic Committee is adamant its still all on.

And despite the mounting challenges, a number our top athletes say they still want to go.

Carmina Blewett has more.