A Picton aquarium says it will be forced to kill more than 100 animals if it cannot reach an agreement over its lease.
EcoWorld Aquarium and Wildlife Rehabilitation centre at Picton wharf is at loggerheads with its landlord Port Marlborough, which is 100 percent owned by the council.
EcoWorld says it has been told its 20-year lease will not be renewed, and director John Reuhman believes that means a long list of animals are at grave risk of being put down.
Protected animals like the tuatara will be rehomed.
Port Marlborough says some time ago it talked EcoWorld about a possible extension of the lease.
However, EcoWorld sought different terms that were not acceptable to Port Marlborough.
The port says it is now trying to help the business vacate its premises and assist with the sustainable rehoming of the aquarium's marine-life and other animals.