31 Aug 2021

Lockdown: Police give detail on Auckland border checkpoints

From Checkpoint, 5:22 pm on 31 August 2021

The police will screening people at roadblocks on the Auckland border as the city stays in alert level 4 and the rest of Aotearoa moves to alert level 3 restrictions.

Police superintendent Shanan Gray says police are “not going to be lenient,” at border checkpoints, as Auckland stays in level 4 lockdown and the rest of New Zealand to the south moves to level 3.

“We’re going to obviously still educate people where we’re turning them around. We don't want to move to enforcing people that are trying to push through the borders, but obviously, if it's absolutely blatant, then maybe we need to go down that path. But our initial approach will be to educate people.”

He said all major checkpoints like on state highway one will have a separate lane for freight and stock trucks.