Covid-19 Minister Chris Hipkins told Checkpoint if there is additional risk seen outside existing level 3 boundaries in the next 24 hours - like Kāwhia and Cambridge where two new cases have appeared - then level 3 restrictions will be applied wider.
He said they should know if there has been spread in those places in the next 24 hours.
Hipkins said he made the decision to restrict Aucklanders' movement to Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier, based on their more challenging access to medical resources.
Hipkins is urging Waikato rugby teams who are travelling to the South Island to follow public health advice.
Waikato’s men and women’s provincial rugby teams moved from Hamilton to Cambridge just hours before the level 3 lockdown restrictions came into force.
Hipkins said that is not in the spirit of the health order. “So I would encourage them to be talking to the public health units about what they do next. But I don't think they shouldn't be charging around the country without talking to public health about it.”
The women’s team is due to fly to Christchurch on Friday for Saturday’s FPC premiership final.
“I would say to them, follow public health advice, make sure they're talking to the public health units about that. They will assess the risk, certainly anyone leaving that surrounding area. I'd encourage them to consider being tested.”