A novel idea to get more books to new Northland readers is proving to be a roaring success.
The Whangārei Hidden Books initiative is pretty much as it sounds - kids books are tucked away in spots across town for budding bookworms to discover.
Thousands of stories have been picked up over the past couple of years, all thanks to Heather Edmeades.
Heather Edmeades delivers books at playgrounds for young Northlanders to find and read. Photo: RNZ / Nita Blake-Persen
Edmeades began handing out the books about two years ago after seeing a friend in Taranaki doing the same thing.
She estimates she has hidden about 2000 books in that time - picture books and chapter books - some from local authors, others from around Aotearoa and classic international reads.
The books are picked up from second-hand shops, and Heather checks they're in decent nick (without too many scribbles), before packaging them up in resealable plastic bags with a wee note.
It reads: 'Free to a good home - congrats on finding me. Please read and rehide. Tell us on Whangārei Hidden Books page on Facebook where you found it, or where you've hidden books. Happy reading!'
On Wednesday she was tucking about 15 books into slides, swings and seats at a Whangārei playground.
A book at a Whangārei playground for a young Northland reader to find. Photo: RNZ / Nita Blake-Persen
Weaving between the equipment she said she tried to be discreet when hiding them so kids get a nice surprise when they find them.
The bright and colourful books - some Dr Seuss and Spike Milligan alongside Northland authors - were snapped up by young readers.
Eight-year-old Alexis was at the park with her nana Donna Housham when they discovered 'Green Eggs and Ham'.
Donna with her grandchildren who have found something to read at a Whangārei playground. Photo: RNZ / Nita Blake-Persen
Donna said it was a classic which she planned on reading to the grandkids as quickly as possible.
"This is a legend this book."
Donna noted that books aren't cheap and good page turners can be hard to come by, so she welcomed the project.
"It's a good thing and it gives kids an opportunity to read books, read different books not the same books over and over."
Heather Edmeades said she'd had some lovely feedback about the books over the years - including one woman who said the book she discovered was the first her baby ever had.
A book at a Whangārei playground for a young Northland reader to find. Photo: RNZ / Nita Blake-Persen
She has since been contacted by another 'Hidden Books' organiser in Kāpiti, who has set up the scheme there.
"I like to think this hopefully is promoting reading just a little bit in the community. And a love of books."
For anyone else wanting to take a leaf out of Heather's book, feel free to check out the Whangārei Hidden Books Facebook page.