23 Mar 2022

Primary principals respond to scrapping of vaccine mandates

From Checkpoint, 5:15 pm on 23 March 2022

The government is scrapping compulsory vaccination for teachers and school staff next month.

Mandates are also going for Police, Defence Force and businesses operating operating vaccine passes from 11:59pm, Monday April 4.

But at the same time only about 10 percent of primary children are fully vaccinated.

President of the Auckland Primary Principals Association Wendy Kofoed says schools are waiting on more guidance as to whether they can continue enforcing their own mandates for vaccination, and it is something they'd have to be cautious about. 

"The removal of the vaccinations that are sort of a next step for us in the process. But once again, principals and boards are going to need to have to do a fair bit of heavy lifting.

"The first step that we in schools have to do is look at our COVID-19 health and safety plan. And it's really important if we need to look at our individual communities to look at the vaccination rates,  if we have Māori, Pasifika student populations that would be affected... The board would also look at whether they had immunocompromised students and that might be the case for some specialist schools.

"We probably would need to be a bit cautious about having our own mandates... We are a highly vaccinated workforce. So we'd need to think very carefully about how we manage unvaccinated staff in our schools and to look at what the issues might be for our students. 

"It's likely we're going to have to look at a sort of a restorative process. Maybe looking at it as a bit of healing and moving forward. So it is going to be really challenging."