13 Apr 2022

School leaders prepare for move to Covid orange restrictions

From Checkpoint, 6:07 pm on 13 April 2022

At midnight Thursday morning the Covid traffic light flicks from red to orange.

Masks are still a must in many places including shops and on public transport. But schools will be left to make their own decisions about whether kids need to wear masks in class.

The Education Minister, also the Covid Response Minister, says advice on ventilation and masks is being prepared for schools.

Auckland Primary Principals Association President Wendy Kofoed told Checkpoint she hopes parents won't keep children home if there is no mask policy in a school class. 

"What we're working really hard at doing at the moment is getting all of our learners back to school. And we will certainly be reassuring our parents about the mitigation measures we will have in place in orange level. 

"Strong communication and reassurances to our community will be needed about the health measures and what we'll have in place to reduce risk.

"We'll have well-ventilated spaces with hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette. And there may be some physical distancing.

"While we know that at orange masks are no longer required at school, we know that wearing a mask is a key health measure and slows the spread of COVID 19. And I'd imagine that a lot of people will continue to wear a mask in indoor spaces in orange over winter."