30 Aug 2022

Inquest into Dunedin man's death after Covid-19 vaccine

From Checkpoint, 5:32 pm on 30 August 2022

A Dunedin man whose death is linked to the Covid-19 vaccine was not warned of the risk of Myocarditis when he received the shot.

An inquest into the death began in the Dunedin District Court this morning. Dunedin plumber Rory Nairn died last November, less than a fortnight after the 26-year-old received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

RNZ Otago-Southland reporter, Timothy Brown, has been following the inquest.

Myocarditis is rare following vaccination with international data showing 1 to 13 cases per 100,000 vaccine doses.

It is also treatable, especially if symptoms are picked up early.