Armageddon's future in limbo as Auckland Showgrounds dispute ongoing

From Checkpoint, 5:49 pm on 30 August 2022

Pop culture event Armageddon cannot find a venue in Auckland and is waiting while a dispute is ongoing over who can use the Auckland Showgrounds. 

Bill Geradts, director of the Armageddon expos, told Checkpoint it should never have got to this point. 

"I do shows in virtually every main city in New Zealand and I'm doing a show in Christchurch in December at the new Te Pae Convention Centre which is a magnificent venue.

"And the fact that there is not a purpose built venue in Auckland, that can do any massive events, is something that we should never have let get to this point."

He said Armageddon, the Home Show and Pet Show, would together bring up to $50 million to the Auckland regional economy, but that's about to be lost.