22 Aug 2023

Health coalition on Labour's plan to restrict vape availability

From Checkpoint, 5:07 pm on 22 August 2023

Labour vape election policy's about "putting the horse back in the stable" according the Prime Minister.

But some critics say it's already well and truly bolted.

If it's still in government post election Labour will; Cap the number of stores selling vapes to 600 national wide, down from several thousand.

All vape retailers including dairies will need to be licensed. And penalties for retailers selling to underage children will jump from $10,000 to $15,000.

That's on top of new rules announced in June that ban new specialty vape stores setting up within 300 metres of marae and schools and capping maximum nicotine levels.

To discuss the plan Health Coalition Aotearoa co-chair Professor Boyd Swinburn spoke to Lisa Owen.